What is a nation?
The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, suggests we reconsider Quebec as a nation within Canada. To understand the latest incarnation in constitutional language, we go to the experts for some linguistic assistance:
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
nation, n.
1. A large aggregate of communities and individuals united by factors such as common descent, language, culture, history, or occupation of the same territory, so as to form a distinct people. Now also: such a people forming a political state; a political state.
2. A group of people having a single ethnic, tribal, or religious affiliation, but without a separate or politically independent territory.
3. A North American Indian people. Also: the territory occupied by such a people, or (in pl.) by North American Indians generally.
Well, these three definitions help. But when it comes to Quebec's place in Canada, it's remarkable how politically incorrect a definition can be as it seems to be to Stephen Harper and Gilles Duceppe. The good news is that their definition is better than any Referendum question regarding Quebec Sovereignty.
In Ottawa, Harper introduced the following motion: [that] "this House recognize that the Québecois form a nation within a united Canada." Now wait a minute. Let’s consider this statement. I thought they already had a nation in Canada. To form one assumes that one does not exist and that the parts are there to be assembled into a nation. But Quebec has never suffered from an identity crisis. Their culture is strong and continues to be unique within the mosaic of Canada. So perhaps the PM is just playing with semantics.
Perhaps the question really isn't What is a nation? It's more like: What's in a word?
That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
And just to add to the fun, from Roget's Thesaurus a few synonyms: body politic, colony, commonwealth, community, democracy, domain, dominion, empire, kingdom, land, monarchy, people, populace, population, principality, public, race, realm, republic, society, sovereignty, state, tribe.