The ghost of the famous Russian scholar has resurfaced for the 21st Century to comment on the political issues of our time.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It Takes A Licking But Keeps On Ticking

So, the Doomsday Clock is 5 minutes to Midnight.

It was 7 minutes to Midnight in 2002. What's two minutes between disasters anyway? Are we closer to the end than we think? It all depends on who you talk to and the subjectivity of opinion. One person's security is another person's fearfulness. But The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists do point to some inconsistencies in the peace process and remind us that nuclear weapons are still the number one enemy of our civilization.

The no-nukes of the 1980s are silent today, but the weapons remain. As far as Global Warming and Climate Change is concerned, I have a little trouble including it in the mix that the Atomic Scientists say is a factor. They specifically state: " the perils of 27,000 nuclear weapons, 2000 of them ready to launch within minutes; and the destruction of human habitats from climate change, " is the reason they changed the clock to 5 minutes to Midnight.
The question is: which will come first? If the United States decides to invade Iran, then World War III will begin and once the nukes are launched it’s going to be over relatively quickly for all of us. If it's climate change, then the human race still has a chance to make amends and reduce the effects of pollution.
Someone once cursed "may you live in interesting times". And while I would heed the words of the Atomic Scientists, I can't help but feel that the human race has always been better than the fatalists, such as George Bush and Evangelists would suggest.

How interesting it is to consider the end of the world when we have so much to live for. Perhaps the clock is running a little fast. 

That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.


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