Deconstructing Harper
[CP] OTTAWA -- Text of the televised address Monday by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to mark the five-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The Prime Minister’s edited speech is in italics. My comments are in parentheses.
Good evening. Today is the fifth anniversary of the terrible events of Sept. 11, 2001.
With me are some Canadians whose lives have been touched by 9-11 in ways that most of us can't even begin to imagine. As we pay tribute to the 24 Canadians who lost their lives on that infamous day five years ago, their family members remind us that they were real people with real lives. [As opposed to fictional people with fictional lives?]
Lives that were cut short -- deliberately so -- by a murderous act of terrorism. [The case that 19 hijackers flew planes into American buildings led by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan has never been proven]
Like most Canadians, I have a vivid memory of that morning.
As my wife, Laureen, and I watched the second tower collapse on television, as the enormity of the events began to sink in, I turned to her and said: "This will change the course of history.'' [Interesting how quick you were to come up with that comment, considering you knew as much about it as we did.]
And so it has. [Oh really? Tell us.]
In the years that followed, terror struck Bali in Indonesia, Madrid in Spain, London in Great Britain. And security forces in many countries -- including Canada -- have foiled alleged terrorist plots before they could be executed. [Wait a minute; based on that logic the so-called terrorists are ahead 3 to 1]
And because of this war of terror, people around the world have come together to offer a better vision of the future for all humanity. [That’s probably true only you’re not listening to them.] For this vision to take hold, the menace of terror must be confronted. [Wrong! The people want peace, equality and economic equity. Not confrontation which has done nothing for us all these years.]
And that is why the countries of the United Nations, with unprecedented unity and determination, launched their mission to Afghanistan to deal with the source of the 9-11 terror and to end, once and for all, the brutal regime that horribly mistreated its own people while coddling terrorists. [That’s misleading, sir. The Afghanistan war was started by the United States in what they called, a pre-emptive strike against another attack. Tell that to the hundreds of warlords, drug barons and extremists that are fighting with us over Opium crops.]
It is the desire to make a better and safer world which compels our soldiers to put their lives on the line. There are Canadian heroes being made every day in the desert and the mountains of southern Afghanistan.These are the stories we don't hear -- the countless acts of courage and sacrifice that occur every day on the battlefield.
[Actually, Canadian media have been doing a good job with a balanced approach to so-called acts of heroism and the reporting of flag-draped coffins. War is hell and you can’t spin it any other way.]
Because of their efforts, the Taliban is on the run, not the charge. [Bush thinks if we run they will follow us.]
I would ask that, tonight, you keep in your thoughts and prayers the victims and families of 9-11 and all those ordinary people who have died or lost loved ones in related acts of terror. [Or wrongfully convicted and tortured. Let me introduce you to Maher Arar.]
I would ask as well, that you keep in your thoughts and prayers the personnel and families of the extraordinary people in Afghanistan and elsewhere who have put themselves on the line so that the world is a better and safer place for all of us. [You know one of these days they’ll get the government they deserve instead of US backed puppet regimes, such as the one in Afghanistan]
Good night. [and Good Luck]
That’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.