The ghost of the famous Russian scholar has resurfaced for the 21st Century to comment on the political issues of our time.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Poll to Pole

The BBC has recently released a poll of more than 50,000 people in 68 countries. It was conducted by Gallup and called the International Voice of the People Poll 2005. Considering the size of the sample and the BBC’s desire to put world opinion on the front page, this is an important story.

Are the people still hoping to rule the world some day? This poll by the Beeb says it all depends on where you live and how much control you have over your life. Sixty-five percent say that their country is "not" run by the will of the people. Over half say that their country’s elections are "not " free and fair. And most notably, those polled preferred more intellectuals or religious leadership with fewer military and business people and journalists at the top. Key to the third item was the inclusion of journalists. [Ouch!]

Key to the second item was the American result: Fifty per cent of US citizens trust religious leaders and 40% would give them more power. Are you sure you want a guy like Pat Robertson for President? Wait a minute, you already have a religious leader!

I like polls like these because they prove “We the people” never get the governments we deserve. We judge politicians on what they say rather than what they do and we often have memory lapses on election day. Perhaps we should heed the poll and ask for higher standards next time.

That’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.

The BBC series, based on the poll, is called: Who Runs the World? For more information try:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see - the thing about polls is that stats can always interpreted to favour the inquirer. Never trust polls - in fact, CBC journalistic policy states that any poll results mentioned on-air always must be accompanied with the cavaet that this comes from purchased poll. CBC no longer solicits polls.

7:03 p.m.


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