Exit Strategy
Today is the 29th day of a lockout imposed by CBC management on its 5,500 workers across Canada. The CBC is Canada’s public broadcaster operating since 1936, with three principle streams: radio, television and on-line. It has been a qualitative and intelligent source of information for Canadians and people around the world. It has survived strikes, budget cutbacks and lockouts since its inception.
The Canadian Media Guild [CMG] represents the workers. This is the first work stoppage in the 53 year association with the CBC.
But like the Bush gang’s invasion of Iraq, CBC’s upper management decided to lock out its staff, before they could strike. This is a kind of unexpected preemptive move, designed to get the upper hand in future negotiations. However, resistance has been stronger than anticipated. The union has proven itself a powerful force by seeking and getting the support of Canadians, politicians and other unions from the civil service to the steelworkers.
Clearly, the Neo-con managers at the CBC underestimated their opponent. They sought to divide and conquer the workers and failed to recognize the CMG’s collective strength. Now that CBC workers are into the 29th day of a management imposed lock out, the question becomes: what is management’s exit strategy? How will they demonstrate good will, leadership and vision, after the staff has been mistreated this way? This could used as the CMG’s ace that wins the last hand of poker.
The CMG, which has the support of its members, needs the best deal possible because the workers have had enough. I can faithfully say, based on my participation on the line, the locked out staff will not reject any contract. I wonder if the management negotiating committee knows this? It could be used as Management’s ace that wins the last hand of poker.
That’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Trotsky - I don't know you but you seem like a level-headed fellow. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll hit the green more than you miss.
9:41 a.m.
very level headed
2:32 p.m.
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