The ghost of the famous Russian scholar has resurfaced for the 21st Century to comment on the political issues of our time.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Nuke Club

" I would never join a club that would have me as a member" - Groucho Marx

The International Nuclear Club has a new member, and as we all know membership has its privileges. The news that North Korea had tested its first nuclear bomb sent more shock waves around the world than the explosion itself. And naturally, the current club members are pissed off, because North Korea didn't go through the screening process necessary to become a member of the Nuke Club. Neither did India or Pakistan or China, but who's counting.

Ironically, it takes a certain amount of force to become a member of the Nuke Club. All you have to do is test a weapon, either above ground like the United States did in Nevada or underground like North Korea did last week. You also need to strike a tough political pose with your chin in the air and act defiant. You need to play it tough because the Nuke Club is made up of tough guys. Membership is exclusive to those countries willing to bully nonmembers into getting what they want. That's why North Korea wants in. [It’s also known as blackmail.]

But for North Korea, their bark is louder than their bite. The United States is exaggerating the risk, because they hate to be bullied. China has been loud in its opposition about the test, but soft on the need for economic sanctions. Why? Because China is very interested in North Korea's ore and in fact, are working on a deal to mine it.

Has anyone noticed the conflict of interest between members of the UN Security Council and members of the Nuke Club? North Korea is in bad shape economically speaking and the only way they think they can get aid is by blackmail and use of the nuclear threat. So economic sanctions aren’t the answer because it can get worse for the people of North Korea and Kim Jung il knows it.

And thus goes the hardball game played by the Nuke Club. It’s too bad they can’t sit down for a civilized game of Bridge.

That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.


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